Ambassador gives any company the tools to turbo-charge their referral program, turning their customers into brand Ambassadors. Use Ambassador to easily create, track & manage custom incentives that drive referrals and evangelize your users. It's as simple as pasting a javascript snippet or can be seamlessly integrated via API.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Ambassador
Ambassador gives any company the tools to turbo-charge their referral program, turning their customers into brand Ambassadors. Use Ambassador to easily create, track & manage custom incentives that drive referrals and evangelize your users. It's as simple as pasting a javascript snippet or can be seamlessly integrated via API.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Campaign Joined
Triggers when a contact joins a campaign.
Click Tracked
Triggers when a click is tracked.
Commission Created
Triggers when a commission is created.
Contact Created
Triggers when a contact is created.
Contact Status Updated
Triggers when a contact's status is updated.
Ambassador List Test
Retrieves a list of up to 100 ambassadors meeting the provided thresholds.
Segment Joined
Triggers when a contact joins a segment.
Update Contact
Update an existing contact.
Update Commission
Update a commission.
Create Contact
Create a new contact.
Create Commission
Create a new commission.
Record Multiple Events
Record events for multiple campaigns.
Record Event
Record a new event.
Shortcode Lookup
Retrieves the referring ambassador and campaign information tied to an “mbsy” short code.

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