CRM Connector is a cloud based CRM and marketing automation platform offering robust automation and sales tools for small to medium sized businesses worldwide.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) CRM Connector
CRM Connector is a cloud based CRM and marketing automation platform offering robust automation and sales tools for small to medium sized businesses worldwide.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


List Contacts
Fetch the contacts data.
List CRM Activity Activity Types
Fetch the CRM activity types data.
List CRM Activity Assignable Contacts
Fetch the CRM activity assignable contacts data.
List Email Froms
Fetch the 'From Name' and 'From Email' data.
List Event Locations
Fetch the event locations data.
List Event Types
Fetch the event types data.
List Groups
Fetch the CRM activity types data.
New Broadcast
Triggers when a new broadcast is added.
New Contact
Triggers when a new contact is added.
New CRM Activity (V1)
Triggers when a new CRM activity is added.
New CRM Activity
Triggers when a new CRM activity is added.
New Event
Triggers when a new event is added.
New Opportunity
Triggers when a new opportunity is added.
New Ticket
Triggers when a new ticket is added.
List Opportunity Assignable Contacts
Fetch the opportunity assignable contacts data.
List Opportunity Phases
Fetch the opportunity phases data.
List Opportunity Sources
Fetch the opportunity sources data.
List Workflow Activables
Fetch the workflow activables data.
List Workflow Assignable Contacts
Fetch the workflow assignable contacts data.
List Workflow Associatable Groups
Fetch the workflow associatable groups data.
List Workflow Connectable Opportunities
Fetch the workflow connectable opportunities data.
Activate Workflow
Activate a workflow.
Add Contact
Adds a new contact.
Add CRM Activity
Add a new CRM activity for a contact.
Add Event
Add a new event.
Add Opportunity
Add a new opportunity for a contact.
Queue Mail
Queue a broadcast email.

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