SuperOffice CRM software helps businesses collaborate internally and improve their sales, marketing and service processes.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) SuperOffice CRM
SuperOffice CRM software helps businesses collaborate internally and improve their sales, marketing and service processes.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Appointment
Triggers when a new appointment is created.
Find appointment list
Find appointments list
Company Changed
Triggers when an existing company is changed.
New Company
Triggers when a new company is created.
Find company list
Find company list
Company Triggers
Company related triggers.
Selection For Project Member Delection
Selection for project member delection
Document Changed
Triggers when an existing document is changed.
New Document
Triggers when a new document is created.
List of Associates
This is used to auto fill the Owner/Associate fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Business
This is used to auto fill the business fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Category
This is used to auto fill the category fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Competitor
This is used to auto fill the Competitor fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of consent legal base
This is used to auto fill the consent legal base fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of consent purpose
This is used to auto fill the consent purpose fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of consent source
This is used to auto fill the consent source fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the contact
This is used to auto fill the contact fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of countries
This is used to auto fill the Country fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of sale credited information
This is used to auto fill the credited fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Currency
This is used to auto fill the currency fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of document templates
Flat list of document templates
Listing the person
This is used to auto fill the person fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Position
This is used to auto fill the position fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Priority
Flat list of Priority
Listing the Projects
This is used to auto fill the Projects fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the project members
This is used to auto fill the project members fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of project member type
This is used to auto fill the project member type fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of project status
This is used to auto fill the project status fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of project type
This is used to auto fill the project types fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of sales
Flat list of sales
Listing the sale stage
This is used to auto fill the sale stage fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the sale types
This is used to auto fill the sale types fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of shipment types
This is used to auto fill the shipment types fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the source
This is used to auto fill the source fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of tasks
Flat list of tasks
List of tickets
This is used to auto fill the ticket fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Ticket Category
This is used to auto fill the ticket category fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Ticket Owner
This is used to auto fill the ticket owner fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of Ticket Priority
Flat list of Ticket Priority
List of Ticket Status
This is used to auto fill the ticket status fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of User defined fields
This is used to auto fill the udef fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of visible for
This is used to auto fill the visible for fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the members by project ID
This is used to auto fill the members fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Listing the Person by Contact ID
This is used to auto fill the Person fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Contact Changed
Triggers when an existing contact is changed.
New Contact
Triggers when a new contact is created.
Find Person List
Find contant list
Contact Trigger
Contact related triggers.
Listing the Project by Contact ID
This is used to auto fill the project fields used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Project Changed
Triggers when an existing project is modified in SuperOffice.
New Project
Triggers when a new project is created.
Find project list
Find project list.
New Project Member
Triggers when a new project member is added to a project.
Find project member list
Lists the project members.
Sale Changed - obsolete
Triggers when an existing sale is changed.
Sale Completed - obsolete
Triggers when a sale is completed.
New Sale
Triggers when a new sale is created.
Sale Changed
Triggers when a sale is updated.
Find Sale
Finds a sale by id, title, or number.
Sale Lost - obsolete
Triggers when an sale is lost.
Sale Sold - obsolete
Triggers when an sale is sold.
Sale Trigger - obsolete
Sale related triggers.
New Request
Triggers when a new request/ticket is created.
Find ticket list
Find ticket list
Create Appointment
Creates a new appointment.
Create Company
Creates a new company.
Create Document
Creates a new document.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact.
Create Project
Creates a new project.
Create Project Member
Creates a new project member.
Remove Project Member
Remove a project member.
Create Sale
Creates a new sale.
Create Request
Creates a new request/ticket.
Create Request Message
Creates a new message for an existing request/ticket.
Update Document Content
Update an existing document content.
Find Appointment
Finds an existing appointment.
Find Company
Finds a company based on id, name, number, phone, e-mail, or URL.
Find Contact
Finds a contact based on id, e-mail, phone number, URL, or number.
Find Project Member
Finds a project member.
Find Project
Finds a project based on id, name, or number.
Find Request
Finds a request/ticket by id, title, author, or contact.
Find or Create Company
Finds a company based on id, name, number, phone, e-mail, or URL.
Find or Create Contact
Finds a contact based on id, e-mail, phone number, URL, or number.
Find or Create Project
Finds a project based on id, name, or number.
Find or Create sale
Finds a sale by id, title, or number.
Find or Create Ticket
Finds a request/ticket by id, title, author, or contact.

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