Intercom is a customer communication platform that enables targeted communication with customers on your website, inside your web and mobile apps, and by email.

Customer Support Intercom
Intercom is a customer communication platform that enables targeted communication with customers on your website, inside your web and mobile apps, and by email.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.
Ever wanted a way to talk to people visiting your site the way you can call a specific office using your building's intercom? The aptly named Intercom tool is what you need. It’s the tool that powers so many of the small round chat icons you see on sites today, offering real-time help and support as you browse their company’s website. But it’s more than chat. Intercom’s a detailed marketing automation and customer support tool to help you turn visitors into happy customers.And it’s smart. Intercom can identify who’s using your site or app, filter through customer data quickly, see who's slipping away or where a timely message might help most, and then send them emails or in-app messages automatically. Or if someone starts chatting with Intercom and they ask a question you’ve already answered, it can offer appropriate support documentation to help them out.Read MoreIntercom works best deeply integrated into your site or app. It identifies who’s using your site or purchasing your products, where they came from and what they’re viewing, and more—and it does that for free. That way from the start, you can identify your customers and see detailed info about them without paying anything.And it’s easy to drill into the data that Intercom uncovers. On the sidebar, there’s a prominent list of criteria that you can use to filter through the people that have visited your site. You could sort people by most recently added, identify people that visited from social networks or a partner’s website, or find those who are slipping away. And if someone does start chatting with your team, Intercom will fill out their profile with their name, email, and other details so you can connect the dots backward.That’s where Intercom’s Messenger comes in. Every time someone visits your site, they’ll see the small chat icon in the corner—along with in-app messages with tips and news if you’d like. You can have it show different messages to first-time visitors or those browsing your pricing page, say. And if you don't want to bombard everyone with the info, you can have your subsequent messages only go to users who, say, haven't revisited your site recently. Or, keep the info hidden until people click the chat icon—Intercom Messenger lets you customize your chat box with apps and widgets to show new blog posts, highlight new features and more.You can also get in touch via email. Once someone starts a conversation with your team, you can follow up with custom support emails if no one on your team was around to answer them in real-time. Or you can make drip emails to reply with more details automatically. And with the Articles tool, you can document how to solve common issues so Intercom Messenger can share those tips automatically and your team can reference them to do support faster.It’s a marketing and support tool that works around your team’s needs. When you’re available, it’s a great way to offer live support. When you’re not, Intercom will help answer the simplest questions, and let you know what’s most important to respond to first when you get back. It’ll help you learn more about your customers, market to them directly, and help them out when they need it most. And if you're running an early stage startup—with less than 5 employees and $1 million in funding, and need only 500 active people and 3 inbox seats—you can use all of Intercom's features for $49/month for your first year with its Early Stage program to help start your marketing out right.Originally published November 13, 2014; updated July 5 and September 10, 2018 with new screenshots, pricing, and details.


Companies Prefill
Company dropdown prefill.
Lead Added Email (Legacy)
Triggers when a Lead enters an email address.
Lead Added Email
Triggers when a Lead enters an email address.
Lead Converted to User
Triggers when a lead converts to a user.
New Lead (Legacy)
Triggers when a new Lead is created.
New Lead
Triggers when a new Lead is created.
Tag Added to Lead
Triggers when a lead is tagged.
Tag Added to Conversation
Triggers when a new tag is added to a conversation in Intercom.
New Conversation
Triggers when a new conversation is created by a user in Intercom.
List Tags Prefill
List Tags Prefill.
New Closed Conversation
Triggers when you close a conversation. (Note: The "Reply and close" button won't trigger this. You must reply and then close the conversation separately).
New Company
Triggers when a new Company is created.
New User
Triggers when a new user is created.
Tag Added to User
Triggers when a user is tagged.
New Unsubscription
Triggers when a user unsubscribes from emails.
Add Note
Add a note to a user.
Create Company
Creates or updates a company within Intercom. Invisible, used to power Find/Create action.
Create Lead (Legacy)
Creates a new Lead.
Add Event
Tags a user with an event that occurred.
Send Incoming Message
Send a message from a user into your Intercom app. Note: you must have a valid plan on Intercom to access this action.
Add/Remove Tag on Company
Attach or remove a tag from a specific company.
Add/Remove Tag on Lead
Attach or remove a tag on a specific lead.
Add Tag to User (Legacy)
Attach a tag to a specific user.
Add/Remove Tag on User
Attach or remove a tag on a specific user.
Update Company
Updates a company within Intercom. If you'd like to create a company, use this action in conjunction with a Find/Create step.
Create/Update Lead
Create or update an Intercom lead. If an ID is provided, the lead will be updated.
Create/Update User
Update a user within Intercom given their e-mail address.
Create User
Creates a new user in your Intercom app.
Find User
Finds an existing user.
Find User (Testing)
Finds an existing user.
Find Company (Legacy)
Looks up an existing company in your Intercom account.
Find Company
Finds an existing company.
Find Lead
Finds an existing Lead.

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