Gumroad allows all types of creators to sell their work (music, art, books, films, etc) directly to their audiences.

eCommerce Gumroad
Gumroad allows all types of creators to sell their work (music, art, books, films, etc) directly to their audiences.
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Gumroad is a platform that empowers artists, writers, musicians, and other creatives with the tools to sell products online. Rather than waiting around to be discovered, you can sell your work directly to your followers and fans. More importantly, you get to sell products without the hassle of setting up shopping carts and paying for an expensive e-commerce site. You focus on creating music or your debut novel—Gumroad takes care of the rest. It's easy to set up an online shop and start selling your best work with Gumroad. Simply sign up for a Gumroad account to begin selling your work by clicking on the green Start selling button at the top menu. Read MoreTo kickstart your Gumroad shop, you’ll need to create a product. Click on Products link from the main menu and click the Add a product button to begin.Gumroad first prompts you to create either a digital or a physical product. You’ll then choose to sell one of three kinds of products: a product that you can sell right away, a subscription, and a preorder. If you intend to sell an ongoing series of comics, for example, a subscription will allow your customers to download and read for a monthly fee. If you plan on initiating a launch for your first product, it makes sense to set up a preorder so people participating in your launch will anticipate its release. And if you've made the world's best iPhone case, you'll want an order form that asks for shipping info—something you wouldn't need if you're selling a new eBook.Once you’ve decided on what product to create, it’s time to build your product. Upload the product’s files, style your product, give it a name and a compelling description, and a price. For physical products, you can specify product attributes such as size and color. When done, click Publish to launch your product on your Gumroad shop. You can then embed your product to any page on your website or insert a well-designed Buy button for customers to click and purchase your product without leaving your website.Putting up a product is the easy part. It’s getting people to buy your product that’s tricky. Gumroad equips you with audience-building tools to help you grow your customer base and acquire new customers in the process.Gumroad's Audience page—a landing page that captures email addresses when someone signs up or follows you on Gumroad—is perfect for that. You can access and design your Audience page by clicking on Profile from the main menu, tweaking it to fit your branding. Updates is another audience-building feature that allows you to send email updates to all of your customers and followers; customers or followers; or a specific group of customers based on the products they’ve purchased. On the flip side, Workflows delivers time-sensitive email updates after a specific action takes place. For example, you can create a Welcome workflow for visitors who sign up as a follower from your Audience page, or send a new series of emails when someone purchases your product to help them learn how to use it.Gumroad’s pricing structure is straightforward: they only make money when you do. A fee of 5% + $0.25 is taken from every sale costing $1 and above. You can also choose to price your products on a pay-what-you-want model, which is indicated by a ”+“ sign where your customers can choose how much to pay for your product. Starting an e-commerce store is difficult and confusing, and typically you'll have to link a half-dozen different apps together to effectively engage your audience and make sure you products sell. Gumroad puts it all in one place, with cheap enough fees that you can still make a profit on your products, while building an audience at the same time.Learn how to start your own business and online store with Zapier's The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce Software book.


This Trigger fires every time a cancellation of a subscription occurs.
New Product
Triggers when you add a new product to your Gumroad account.
This Trigger fires every time a sale is refunded.
This Trigger fires every time a sale occurs.
New Test User
Just a test trigger.

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