Digistore24 is a highly automated Internet Marketing platform for selling Digital information products and seminars.

Marketing Automation Digistore24
Digistore24 is a highly automated Internet Marketing platform for selling Digital information products and seminars.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Affiliate Approved
Triggers when a new affiliation has been approved.
New Eticket Event
Triggers when an eticket has been created, updated or used.
Eticket Actions
Type of changes an eticket can have.
New Order Event
Triggers when a transaction for an order is received (like a payment or a refund).
Retrieves a list of products of the user.
Connection Test
This trigger is used to test the connection to Zapier.
Event Types
The events connected to a Digistore24 order.

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