dotdigital (formerly dotmailer) Engagement Cloud is an engagement platform that helps businesses engage customers across all touchpoints. Users can leverage data, surface powerful insights, and automate the customer journey using email, SMS, and more.

Marketing Automation dotdigital
dotdigital (formerly dotmailer) Engagement Cloud is an engagement platform that helps businesses engage customers across all touchpoints. Users can leverage data, surface powerful insights, and automate the customer journey using email, SMS, and more.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Get Address Books
Gets a list of all address books.
Get Campaigns
Gets a list of all campaigns.
Get Programs
Gets a list of all programs.
Get Segments
Gets a list of all segments.
Get Surveys
Gets a list of all surveys.
New Survey Response
Triggers when a survey of your choice receives a new response.
Create Address Book
Creates an address book.
Create or Update Contact
Creates a new contact, updates an existing one or adds contact to a given address book.
Create Contact Data Field
Creates a contact data field within the account.
Enrol Contact in Program
This operation enrols a given contact into an automation program.
Refresh Segment
Refreshes a segment.
Send Campaign
Send a campaign to a given contact.
Send Transactional Email
Sends a transactional email.
Unsubscribe Contact
Unsubscribes contact from account.

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