MobileMonkey is a Chatbot and Messenger Marketing platform. Use dynamic conversations to power your brand's presence where your customers communicate: on Facebook Messenger and other leading chat platforms.

Marketing Automation MobileMonkey
MobileMonkey is a Chatbot and Messenger Marketing platform. Use dynamic conversations to power your brand's presence where your customers communicate: on Facebook Messenger and other leading chat platforms.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Get Attribute Names
Hidden Trigger: Populates the dropdown list Attribute Names in the UI.
Get Audience
Hidden Trigger: Populate the dropdown list Audiences in the UI.
Connection Widget Reached
Triggers when a Connection Widget is reached in a Dialogue.
New Contact
Triggers when a new contact is added to your page.
Gets a list of contacts
Hidden Trigger: populates the dropdown list of Contacts in the UI.
New or Updated Contact Attribute
Triggers when you add/update a selected custom attribute on a contact.
Get User & System Attribute Names
Hidden Trigger: populates the dropdown list User & System Attribute Names in the UI.
Send Message
Sends a message to a contact.
Update Contacts
Sets attribute values on one or more contacts.
Find a Contact by Attribute Value
Finds a contact by Attribute Value
Find a Contact by Name
Finds a contact by First and/or Last Name
Find a Contact by Recipient ID
Finds a contact by Recipient ID

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