Powerful, affordable marketing tools for marketing agencies and SMBs. Features include email automation, lead capture, and a built in CRM system.

Marketing Automation SharpSpring
Powerful, affordable marketing tools for marketing agencies and SMBs. Features include email automation, lead capture, and a built in CRM system.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Check Accounts
A list of SharpSpring accounts.
Check Campaigns
A list of SharpSpring campaigns for the user.
Check Deal Stage
A SharpSpring deal stage object.
New Account
A new Account is created in SharpSpring.
New Campaign
New Campaign Created in SharpSpring.
New Email Open Event
When a lead opens an email in SharpSpring.
New Form Fillout Event
When a lead fills out a form in SharpSpring.
New Lead
When a lead has been created in sharpspring.
New Opportunity
A new Opportunity is created in SharpSpring.
New Page Visit Event
When a lead visits a new page in SharpSpring.
Test API connection.
Check User
When a new user is created in sharpspring.
Create Account
Create an Account in SharpSpring.
Create Campaign
Create a new Campaign in SharpSpring.
Create/Update Lead
Create a Lead in SharpSpring or update by email address.

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