Otixo is a platform for team collaboration: everything in one place, with instant messaging, file sharing, search function and cloud access.

Team Collaboration Otixo
Otixo is a platform for team collaboration: everything in one place, with instant messaging, file sharing, search function and cloud access.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


User Single Spaces
Triggers to populate users Single Spaces dynamic dropdowns.
User System Space
Triggers to populate users System Space dynamic field.
User Profile
Triggers on authentication test.
User Work Spaces
Triggers to populate dynamic dropdown for user Work Spaces.
New Notification Posted
Triggers when a new notification is posted in a Work Space.
Create Work Space Notification
Creates a notification in the target Work Space.

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Construya sus propios formularios digitales

Con el Form Builder puede crear formularios perfectos. Es fácil, intuitivo y potente.

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