Productboard is beautiful, simple, and powerful product management. Product leaders can easily centralize user and market research, capture and organize feature ideas, prioritize against clear strategic objectives and keep everyone on the same page thanks to delightful, interactive roadmaps.

Product Management Productboard
Productboard is beautiful, simple, and powerful product management. Product leaders can easily centralize user and market research, capture and organize feature ideas, prioritize against clear strategic objectives and keep everyone on the same page thanks to delightful, interactive roadmaps.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Feature
Triggers when a new feature is created.
New Feature State
Triggers when a new feature state is created.
New Note
Triggers when a new note is created.
Fetch Product Names
It's only for fetching data for the list of Products for Feature create.
New User
Triggers when a new user is created.
Create Feature
Creates a new feature.
Create Note
Creates a new note.

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Crie seus próprios formulários digitais

Com o Form Builder você pode criar formulários perfeitos. É fácil, intuitivo e poderoso.

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